Men Chastity Cage Options

How to Spice Things Up with a Male Chastity Cage?

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A male chastity cage is one of the most popular sex toys available today. It can be used to spice up and enhance couples sex life. As a result of this, it is believed that it can enhance men’s feeling of control and make sex a more enjoyable and challenging experience. However, many people are not familiar with what male chastity cages are and there is no knowledge of how they can be used in order to spice up their relationship. This article will provide you with information on how to spice things up by using male chastity cages.

First, Choose the Right Male Chastity Cage

Choosing the right male chastity cage is the first thing that you should do. As a matter of fact, male chastity cages can be made of metal, plastic, silicone, and several other materials, each of which has its own unique characteristics. Metal chastity cages have the characteristics of strong and durable, with a sense of weight, which can give men a sense of being bound, while plastic chastity sets are lightweight, easy to clean, and suitable for first-time users. A silicone chastity cage has the benefits of being soft and flexible, which makes it more comfortable for men to use.

Aside from that, the right size of the chastity cage is also important to make sure it fits right according to the male’s size. A cover that is too small will be uncomfortable, while one that is too big may be difficult to put on. When buying chastity cages, you should first measure the size of your male partner and then buy the one that suits your needs.

Second, Perform Foreplay

Foreplay should be conducted in sufficient quantity before using male chastity cages. Getting the male excited through kisses, stroking, and oral sex is one of the ways you can stimulate him. He will have an easier time accepting the bondage feeling associated with chastity cages if it makes him feel like a bondage.

Third, Gradual Use

If you are planning to use male chastity cages for the first time, it is recommended that you use them gradually in order to get comfortable with them. The first thing you can do is to allow the male to wear the cock cage for a few minutes, but do not lock it, so that the male gets used to the feeling of the cock cage for a few minutes. Afterwards, you may want to try locking the chastity cage again, but only for a short period of time so the male can experience the pleasure of being in control of the situation. It is possible to gradually increase the use of chastity cages over time so that men can actually feel more bondage as time goes by.

Fourth, Explore New Sex Toys

In order to add more interest to a male chastity cage, other sex toys can be used with it. There are many ways to use it, for example, with props in the form of gag balls, handcuffs and whips, in order to condition the subject. A more exciting sex life can make married life more exciting as well as make the relationship between husband and wife more intimate.

Fifth, Respect the Feelings of Men

Men’s feelings must be respected during the process of using a male chastity cage. It is imperative for men to stop using it as soon as they feel discomfort or pain when doing so. A couple should be able to maintain communication between each other, listen to each other’s ideas and feelings, and jointly discover how to add interest in their relationship by using male chastity cages.

Attention to Cleaning and Maintenance

In order to maintain the effectiveness of male chastity cages, they must be regularly cleaned and maintained after being used. The cleaning process can be accomplished by using warm water and soap, followed by using a clean towel to dry, and finally placing the items in a ventilated and dry area once they are dry. To avoid cross-infection, use the equipment in a clean and sterile manner whenever you use it to avoid cross-contamination.

It is important to keep in mind that male chastity cages are a kind of sex toy that can increase the enjoyment for couples, but keep in mind to use them safely and correctly. As long as you maintain good communication and respect between your partner and yourself, you can try out male chastity cages together to spice things up a bit. Hopefully the information provided in this article will help you to better understand how male chastity cages work and help you use them to make sex more fun and exciting.

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